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FAST® Software Downloads

FAST® Software Bundle

Latest software bundle includes all the following:

  • XFI Sportsman Software - Rev. 08.18.17
  • XFI Street Software - Rev. 01.09.17
  • C-Com XFI 2.0 - Version 2.050
  • C-Com XFI 2.0 Marine - Version 2.050
  • Air/Fuel RPM Module Software
  • Updated USB Drivers

XFI Fuel Injection Software

XFI Sportsman Software

XFI 2.0 Software

C-Com XFI - Version 1.340 - For Original XFI (Non 2.0)

WARNING: This software gives you total control over specific events that your engine needs set correctly to run properly. Incorrectly using and/or incorrectly installing this software can cause your engine to perform at degraded levels or even stop running completely.

C-Com XFI V 1.340 includes all of the controls/features of Version 1.333, plus the following:

  • Intelligent Traction Control(ITC) software for ITC-enabled XFI units
  • Menu Mode available that simplifies the software menu system into Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced tuner levels for an even easier tuning experience

XFI Firmware Update - Original XFI (Non 2.0)

For customers who are not ready to upgrade their ECU to XFI 2.0, the following firmware update is available at no charge.

This update includes the following changes/fixes:

  • Fixed bug in Aux out 4 (MPH)
  • Fixed Ind. Cyl. code for non-IPU apps and added test for OE spark strategy in IC spark lookup (sync occurs after spark)(fixes IC spark issues in OE strategies)
  • Fixed bug in Idle Spark sub
  • Added constant .6V offset to battery voltage measurement to compensate for protection diode drop in ECU
  • Fixed bug in ESC sub
  • Fixed bug in WB closed loop gain look-up
  • Fixed bug in mpg sub where injector duty cycle was calculated wrong for 6 cyl. B2B applications. 6 CYL apps always use SEFI injector pulse timing.
  • Fixed bug in Aux. shaft rpm transfer function that caused the RPM to be displayed wrong

C-Com WP - For Grey Box FAST ECU

Software for original version of FAST Fuel Injection ECU (Grey box ECU) Works on Windows 95 and later versions of Windows

WARNING: This software gives you total control over specific events that your engine needs set correctly to run properly. Incorrectly using and/or incorrectly installing this software can cause your engine to perform at degraded levels or even stop running completely.

Touch Screen Dash / Datalogger Software

A revolution in data capture, analysis, and monitoring - only from the efi experts at FAST. This extraordinary new unit functions as both an electronic dashboard and a data logger for vehicles running the FAST XFI Fuel Injection System. Optional accessories, such as the FAST Accelerometer and EGT modules and Dual Sensor Air/Fuel Meter - can all be monitored in combination with XFI-based engine data through the units high-speed CAN bus and it's easy-to-use operating software. With its state-of-the art monitoring and data logging capabilities, the XFI Touch Screen Dash/Data Logger can assemble a comprehensive, real-time picture of just what is going on under the hood of your vehicle as it screams down the drag strip.

EZ-EFI Self Tuning Fuel Injection

EZ-EFI ECU Update #3

If you have an EZ-EFI system that was purchased in 2010 or earlier, you may not have the most current base tune. To check, select INFO from the ADV OPTIONS section in the handheld. If the "ECU" number is less than 03, you have an older tune. If you already see ECU 03, your ECU is up to date and there is no need to install this update.

Air/Fuel Meter Software

Air/Fuel Meter RPM Module Software

FASTView Air/Fuel Meter Viewing Software

UPDATE: Fixes where user was limited to shorter logs, Now user should be able to play almost any length back.

FAST releases FASTView, a FREE and easy-to-use software program for downloading, storing, viewing and comparing air/fuel data logs The revolutionary FAST Air/Fuel Meter brought cutting edge air/fuel measurement technology to racers everywhere. Expanding on the usefulness of this meter, FAST created a free, easy-to-use software package for owners who have upgraded their meter with the FAST RPM Module. Called FASTView, this complete software package allows you to download, playback, store and even plot the data so you can compare air/fuel data logs on your personal computer. The FASTView Software couldnt be easier to use. All downloading is accomplished using the communication cable found in your optional RPM Module Kit. Once downloaded and stored, you can use the playback feature to open up your data logs and play them back in real time or use the plotting feature to overlay them for comparison. The playback also shows the precise elapsed time of the data log and displays the data not only as a raw number, but also with digital needle gauges that help you to spot air/fuel and rpm trends during your run.